Sunday, September 09, 2007

I love cookies & cream cookies!!!

In my earlier post I had mentioned that I had bought some Newman O's cookies & cream cookies (do go to their website for more info. I'll be using them for some bakes. I did and I have made these delectable cookies & cream cupcakes (VCTOW)! They are a triple treat as there are cookies in the cake batter, the frosting and another half cookie on top of each cupcake! MMmmmmmm!!! I was simply overjoyed when I saw the cookies at the store as I have longed stopped eating Oreos as they are really, really bad for your health (I shall not mention in details but you should find out about them).

These cupcakes are a very sinful and decadent treat as it's just so, so thick and chocolatey!!! Mmmmmm...

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